Clean Air Council

The Hub 1/20/17: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-up of Transportation News

“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.

Curbed: Will Trump make the trains run on time? – On the campaign trail, Trump said that he would invest $1 trillion in infrastructure, “… to build the greatest infrastructure on the planet earth—the roads and railways and airports of tomorrow. Meanwhile, the GOP calls to end all federal funding for mass transit.  

PlanPhilly: What’s behind PATCO’s recent spate of train cancellations? – We’ll give you a clue: it’s white and fluffy.

Philly Voice: Motorists increasingly ticketed for parking in bicycle lanes – About 70% of the 2016 violations were issued on Spruce and Pine streets, two of most travelled bike lanes in the city. Yet, the tickets don’t seem to deter cars from blocking the bike lanes. Philly takes control of industrial business’ riverfront property for cycling/walking trail – The segment will help complete the Delaware River trail that extends from the north end of the Pier 70 shopping center at Tasker Street to Penn Treaty Park at East Columbia Avenue.

Slate: Beware the man with the flying car –  Super futuristic modes of transportation can be distracting from infrastructure investments that are needed right now so that public transit users can affordably get to work on time.

Bicycling: Youngest NFL head coach in history is a bike commuter – This NFL football coach found  another way to move the chains.

Image Source: Slate

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