Clean Air Council

The Hub 12/1/17: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-up of Transportation News

“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.


Plan Philly: After cyclist’s death, protesters form “human-protected bike lane” to demand long-delayed street safety improvements – The need for protected bike lanes in Philadelphia has been spotlighted this week after a cyclist was killed on Spruce Street.  The bike lane on Spruce is one of the most used in the city, and Wednesday morning citizens turned it into a protected bike lane with their own bodies.  It has been proposed to build a protected bike lane along Spruce Street, but the measure is staunchly opposed by residents who prefer to be able to use the space as a loading zone.


Philadelphia Citizen: RIDING SEPTA WHILE ELDERLY– CCT Connect, SEPTA’s paratransit, is a life line for Philadelphia’s growing elderly population.  CCT Connect has been the subject of many rider complaints concerning punctuality and flexibility with little response or improvement from SEPTA.  As the population of Philadelphia ages, we must ensure our transit better serves this group.


City Lab:  A Map That Celebrates the Subway – Starting with London, artist Derek Lamberton is creating maps that highlight the architectural gems of urban transit systems.  Commuters rush past beautiful works of art every day with barely a second thought.  This project will appeal to map and transit enthusiasts alike.


New York Times: New York’s Tilt Toward Congestion Pricing Was Years in the Making – New York has been flirting with the idea of congestion pricing for decades.  Now Governor Cuomo plans to make it part of his re election platform.


Curbed: London mayor wants to ban new parking construction – Sadiq Kahn, mayor of London, is hard at work to move the city into a less car dependent future.  His latest platform is to ban parking spots being included in new residential and commercial construction.  


Image Source: Plan Philly

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