Clean Air Council

The Hub 11/24/17: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round Up of Transportation News

“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.


Plan Philly: Blackwell proposes transit oriented development around Provident Mutual Life Insurance building – The intersection of 46th and Market Streets is a prime location for transit oriented development.  Councilwoman Blackwell is an unlikely champion for the progressive reuse of the historic Provident Mutual Life Insurance building.  


Next City: Planning Boards Must Put Healthy Communities at Center of Real Estate Decisions-Pedestrians have a major role in defining traffic patterns, yet urban planners cite traffic studies that exclude pedestrian and cyclist data from the decision making process.  


City Lab: A Bus-Shunning Texas Town’s Big Leap to Microtransit – Arlington, Texas aims to provide more service for less money  by adopting on demand micro transit called Via.  Via will replace the city’s fixed route bus, which never gained much ridership in its 4 year run.


New York Times: America Is Now an Outlier on Driving Deaths – Thirty people lose their lives each day in the US due to traffic crashes, which is far more than other industrialized nations.  We have access to the same data that is the basis for fatality minimizing policy changes elsewhere, but Americans simply aren’t willing to give up small freedoms in the name of safety. Philly is only walkable if you’re an able-bodied childless adult  – Philadelphia is courting big business by touting its walkability and livability.  The reality for disabled individuals and parents with small children is much less friendly than the city is willing to admit. Transit riders unions may be coming to Philly – Transit riders unions in Seattle and New York are effective advocates for transit funding at the local and state level, but they also hold transit agencies accountable to their ridership.  SEPTA has long had issues with communication between the agency and its ridership.  Transit riders unions in Philadelphia would open a much needed line of communication between SEPTA and the public.


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