Clean Air Council

Cobbs Creek Trail Receives Pedestrian Counters to Better Understand Use

Clean Air Council and Philadelphia Department of Public Health recently teamed up to install pedestrian counters along Cobbs Creek Trail. This effort comes as Philadelphia’s Streets Department and Parks and Recreation take steps to connect Cobbs Creek Trail from Woodland Avenue and Cobbs Creek Parkway to Eastwick Park and Recreation Center.

Over the past decade the Council has partnered with City, State, and Federal agencies to advance the construction of the Cobbs Creek Trail while advocating for safe access to the trail. The Council has worked with partners and stakeholders to activate and program the park and trail with the aim of improving the neighborhood’s connection to the space, and making it a place that all residents can enjoy the mental, emotional, and physical health benefits of this green space. 

The Council has previously conducted two manual trail counts, one in 2021 and the other just recently in 2023, in order to gain a better understanding of where and how Cobbs Creek Trail is used. The additional trail use data from these counters will help shed light on which sections of the trail are used most and least and inform where future programming could be planned. In addition, long term trail use data will help the Council create a better understanding of the effectiveness of our current and future programming’s effect on trail and park use, and whether or not these engagements build long term connections to the green space.

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