Clean Air Council

The Hub 4/2/2021: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Roundup of Transportation News.

Car speeding in New York
In New York, as in many U.S. cities, lighter traffic during the pandemic translated into more lethal crashes. Photographer: Roberto Machado Noa/LightRocket via Getty Images. Image Source: CityLab

“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up-to-date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.

Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI): TCI has extended its Public Input Period for the Draft Model Rule from 4/1/2021 to 5/7/2021. Pennsylvania is a member of this collaborative effort to slow down carbon emissions and invest in clean, equitable, and resilient transportation systems. Everyone is encouraged to provide input through the online TCI program Public Input Portal. 

CityLab: Streets conducive to speeding and other road designs that prioritize vehicles over pedestrians and cyclists are factors that made US roads even more deadly in 2020. There was a 22% increase in traffic deaths from 2019.

US PIRG: The “Transform Transportation” report released by USPIRG Education Fund shows that traffic-related air pollution kills 58,000 people every year. Transportation is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions nationally.

NJ Spotlight News: Building a light rail line between Gloucester County and Philadelphia will provide residents with reliable transportation without the need for a car. This could take more than 10,000 cars off the road and lower the amount of carbon emissions from transportation.

Plan Philly: SEPTA could benefit from the President’s infrastructure plan, and make some big improvements to their system. Big projects like Trolley Modernization and the KOP Light Rail could get a boost from this funding.

Newsweek: President Biden’s American Jobs Plan includes $80 billion for rail which influenced Amtrak to release a map showing how the money could be spent. Some potential new routes in PA include Philly to Reading and New York City to Scranton and Allentown.

Image Source: CityLab

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