The Hub 10/5/18: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round Up of Transportation News
“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.
PlanPhilly: False alarm: e-scooters won’t hit Philly until 2019 – Dockless bike/scooter share company LimeBike caused a stir in Philadelphia when two scooters were turned on as a test in their Philadelphia warehouse. Philadelphia’s Office of Transportation and Infrastructure Systems is working to create regulations for dockless systems in an attempt to avoid the sidewalk clogging issues other cities have seen. OTIS says we can expect dockless bikes and scooters in Spring of 2019, though whether or not LimeBike is a provider remains to be seen.
PhillyVoice: SEPTA contest wants Philadelphians to come up with a new mascot – With Gritty mania sweeping the city, SEPTA has announced a contest to create a mascot for the Transportation Authority that Philadelphians depend on. SEPTA has requested that entries have an origin story and implores Philadelphians to “keep things positive and friendly” and “be nice”. We’ll see how that goes. Speed cameras are likely coming soon to Roosevelt Boulevard – Pennsylvania’s state legislature has approved the formerly banned use of speed enforcement cameras in the state. Roosevelt Boulevard, one of the deadliest roads in the nation, is slated to have a speed enforcement camera pilot program up and running in four to six months. Tickets will be mailed to motorists going 11 mph over the speed limit or above. The approval of the bill comes as a result of years of advocacy from the Vision Zero Alliance, including the Clean Air Council.
Next City: Court Sides with Deceased Cyclist, but Activists Say Vision Zero Progress Too Slow in Coming – New York State’s Supreme Court brought charges against a charter bus driver that struck and killed a cyclist using a CitiBike last year. The driver was charged with failing to yield while making a right turn, which is a misdemeanor, and failure to exercise due care, a more serious violation. While this ruling is a win for Vision Zero, motor vehicle crashes continue to claim lives.
City Lab: How Bogotá’s Cycling Superhighway Shaped a Generation – Ciclovía turns one of the main throughfairs cutting through Columbia’s capital into a car-free recreation area every Sunday and Holiday for the last 40 years. Entire families can be found biking, jogging, and enjoying the outdoors. Children start young in strollers and grow into cyclists looking forward to the city wide, weekly event. For many residents, Ciclovía is the only outdoor recreation space available to them.
Image Source: City Lab