Claudia Crane – Lifetime Clean Commuter

Clean Air Council would like to recognize Claudia Crane for her lifetime commitment to sustainable transportation, and as a runner-up for the 2020 Clean Air Commuter of the Year. Though she is now retired, she commuted her entire career without a car. Claudia rides an old refurbished bike which she dutifully maintains herself. Claudia continues to use her bike and trailer for any task at hand,whether it be hauling yard waste to be composted or purchasing groceries for her family. She can be seen on her bike in all kinds of weather. If she has somewhere to go, she’s biking!
Claudia and her husband Paul have been long-time active members of Clean Air Council, but her commitment to the environment doesn’t stop there. Claudia can often be seen by neighbors cleaning the sidewalks and alleys on her block. Well maintained sidewalks are an essential part of the urban transportation network. By cleaning sidewalks, she’s also helping to keep our waterways clean. Her efforts not only benefit her immediate neighbors, but all who pass through the neighborhood on foot or by bike.
For over 20 years, Claudia has biked everywhere she goes, and in this time of social distancing Claudia still bikes for recreation, careful to maintain a safe distance from others, besides her husband. Claudia is also actively sewing masks for postal workers and other essential workers during this pandemic. Clean Air Council is proud to recognize Claudia Crane for her lifetime or car-free community activism.