The Hub 1/10/2020: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-Up of Transportation News
“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.
Plan Philly: After speeding driver causes deadly Roosevelt Blvd. crash, PPA says cameras on the way – Speed enforcement cameras will begin testing on Roosevelt Blvd. in late February. Speeding along the Boulevard has contributed to its title as the deadliest road in the region, with 22 fatalities in the past two years, including one already this year. Drivers going 11mph or more over the speed limit will be subject to fines.
Strong Towns: Why Do Americans View Zero Road Deaths as an Impossible Goal? – Oslo, Norway had no pedestrian road deaths in 2019, why in the US does that idea seem so radical? America’s urban centers have been designed to move private vehicles efficiently while Oslo prioritizes pedestrian infrastructure.
New York Times: E.P.A. Aims to Reduce Truck Pollution, and Avert Tougher State Controls – The Trump administration has announced new federal emissions standards for diesel trucks. While the new pollution controls are stronger than before, they will also override the even stronger standards set out by many states.
Next City: Coming to Hamburg: Blazing Fast 5G Train Control – Some of the fastest internet available will be used in automated train control in Germany. Hamburg is working to automate the regional rail system. If all goes according to plan, driverless trains will be in use by late 2021.
Clean Air Council’s Clean Commute Awards honors a commuter and a workplace each year who do the most for sustainable commuting. You could win great prizes like a monthly Transpass or a gift certificate to your favorite bike shop. Nominate a commuter here or a workplace here.
Image Source: Plan Philly