The Hub 1/26/18: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-Up of Transportation News
“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.
Clean Air Council: PHILADELPHIA BIKE RACK STUDY: 6 DAYS, 12 VOLUNTEERS, 4,000 DATA ENTRIES – Clean Air Council and Azavea teamed up through the Summer of Maps program to evaluate the state of bike parking in Center City. Data was collected to show how much bike parking exists, figure out how much is needed, and identify the greatest needs.
Plan Philly: The artistry of saying goodbye to tokens – Many Philadelphians are lamenting the end of SEPTA tokens. Tattoos and jewelry are just a few ways citizens are commemorating the currency.
City Lab: Seoul’s Answer to a Pollution Crisis: Free Public Transit – Cities across the globe are employing creative strategies to improve air quality. Seoul has put aside $23 million to offset the cost of free transit for all on days with hazardous pollution levels. Amid parents’ pleas, SEPTA is making space for strollers – SEPTA has long been criticized for its lack of accessibility for parents with small children. Previously, parents with strollers had to wrangle folding them and carrying their children. Now, kiddos can stay put and caregivers can roll the stroller onto the bus, provided it isn’t rush hour.
Next City: Portland Says Adaptive Bike-Share Pilot Was a Win – When pressured by disability advocates stating that Portland’s bike share, Biketown, was not ADA compliant, Portland created Adaptive Biketown. Cyclists of a wide range of ability can rent much more than the traditional two wheeled bike. Other cities are looking to Portland when working to make bike share more accessible for all.
Streets Blog: How to Engage With Transit Agencies That Resist Change – It’s not difficult to find transit riders with their fair share of ideas for how their city’s system could be improved, yet riders’ ire is often misdirected. Transit agencies are just one of many parties involved in the process of moving people from place to place.
Image Source: Plan Philly