The Hub 1/3/2020: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-up of Transportation News
“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.
Plan Philly: $18M grant for Circuit Trails project will help connect cyclists in Montco to the Morris Arboretum – Bike trails in Montgomery County going into Philadelphia will undergo major improvements in the coming years. This series of projects, including connections to the Forbidden Drive trail and Morris Arboretum, will advance mobility in the region.
Billy Penn: 11 free New Year’s resolutions for Philadelphia – Billy Penn takes a tongue in cheek look at what Philly can do better in 2020.
Next City: Beijing Metro Now World’s Largest – With the completion of two new subway lines, Beijing’s metro now has more miles of track than any other city. New York City’s metro still has the most stations, however Beijing’s carries the most passengers and covers the largest area.
CityLab: Why Kansas City’s Free Transit Experiment Matters – Kansas City, Missouri will be eliminating fares on their mass transit network in the coming year. As Kansas City will be the first major US city to do so, cities around the country and the world will be watching the results closely.
Clean Air Council’s Clean Commute Awards honors a commuter and a workplace each year who do the most for sustainable commuting. You could win great prizes like a monthly Transpass or a gift certificate to your favorite bike shop. Nominate a commuter here or a workplace here.
Image Source: Plan Philly