Clean Air Council

The Hub 10/20/17: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-up of Transportation News

“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.


Curbed: Suburban Station to open permanent service hub for the homeless–  Last winter 11,000 individuals sought help from the Hub of Hope, a seasonal program providing services to the homeless at Suburban Station.  Project HOME will now keep the Hub of Hope open year round.


City Lab: Why the Fight for Better Transit is Part of the Fight for Racial Equity – Transit access is inextricably linked to upward mobility for low income individuals and families.  Transit also plays an integral role in mobilizing communities for justice.    


Next City: Portland Crosswalk Shows How Drivers Think (or Don’t) About Pedestrians Portland State University’s Transportation Research and Education Center has released yet another study showing that our internalized prejudices impact pedestrian safety. Boston is testing Chinese train cars, and SEPTA is watching – The Chinese manufacturing company that Septa has contracted for 45 double decker Regional Rail cars began field testing the first MBTA rail cars contracted by the Boston transit agency.


Philly Mag: A Better Way to Exit a Crowded SEPTA Train –  The Steffen Method could be an easy way to make disembarking a crowded train a less infuriating experience.


Streets Blog: Of Course People of Color Bike, But Decision-Makers and Advocates Don’t Always Listen – Veronica Davis calls out the cycling community for neglecting to get input from vast swaths of the population.  The image you have in your head of a cyclist is very different from the people who actually bike.


Image Source: Streets Blog

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