The Hub 10/28/16: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-up of Transportation News
“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.
PlanPhilly: SEPTA and transit union remain far apart on major issues, daily negotiations to avert a strike begin – SEPTA’s labor contract with Transport Workers Union (TWU) Local 234 expires at midnight on October 31. The 5,185 operators and maintenance crew members will strike on November 1 if their pension reform and health care plan demands are not met by then.
Philadelphia Magazine: Here’s How Screwed We Are If SEPTA Workers Strike – A guide to what will and will not be running if SEPTA workers strike next week.
Philadelphia Business Journal : As Harrisburg legalizes Uber & Lyft, the PPA ruminates on how to regulate them – On Monday, Harrisburg lawmakers legalized Transportation Network Companies (TNCs), like Uber and Lyft, in Philadelphia, and made the Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA) the primary regulator of TNCs. The PPA was given responsibility for collecting the 1.4 percent levy on TNC revenues from rides originating in Philadelphia. The levy will be split between the PPA and the School District of Philadelphia, with two-thirds going to schools.
Fast Company: LA could remove 100,000 cars over five years … by adding more cars? – LA expects to cut CO2 emissions by almost 375,000 tons, save 40 million gallons of gasoline, and save people $350 million in transport costs each year by adding 8,400 cars to the city’s car-share programs.
Curbed: Our transportation system is designed to damage the climate: here’s how to fix it –A new report by the Frontier Group, 50 Steps Toward Carbon- Free Transportation: Rethinking U.S. Transportation Policy to Fight Global Warming, lays out why America’s transportation system has emerged as Climate Enemy #1 and identifies 50 key policies states and the federal government must adopt in order to have a zero-carbon transportation system in place by mid-century.
grist: The best show on TV right now is about living carless in the suburbs – Atlanta, a new comedy-drama television series on FX, highlights the detrimental impacts sprawling and unplanned suburbs can have on those who rely on public transit. Study: Philly No. 2 place to bike in the U.S. – According to a study by ValuePenguin, the Philadelphia region ranks just behind Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington among the best places to ride.
Image Source: Philadelphia Magazine