Clean Air Council

The Hub 10/7/16: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-up of Transportation News

“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.

The Guardian: Blame it on the bike: does cycling contribute to a city’s gentrification? – Bikes lanes are seen as way to make streets safe for cyclists and all road-users, as well as a way to get more people to use this emissions-free, healthy, and affordable form of transportation. Bike infrastructure is also seen as a tool for developers to increase their property values. Which is it? Philadelphia Parking Authority make Uber and Lyft illegal again – While the cab companies and PPA are in court, automated vehicle testing is happening in Pittsburgh. Should cab drivers be more worried about the longevity of their jobs?

Philly Voice: Ride the Duck closes indefinitely –  After a history of fatalities, the World War II amphibious vehicles are finally off Philadelphia streets.

PlanPhilly: Can Pennsylvania help drivers kick deadly cellphone addictions to the curb –  Distracted driving laws do not seem to be enough. According to the National Safety Council’s annual injury and fatality report, cellphones cause 26% of U.S. car accidents, a modest increase from the previous year.

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