The Hub 11/17/17: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-up of Transportation News
“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.
Streets Blog: The Top 10 Regions Where Jobs Are Within Reach for Transit Riders – The Greater Philadelphia Area has been ranked seventh for transit accessible jobs by the “Access America Project.” Also, keep an eye on the ten cities with the biggest improvement to accessibility.
Next City: Providence Eyes Quicker Commuter Train to Boston– As Rhode Island is working towards a direct light rail route between Providence and Boston, cities in Thailand and the Ukraine are expected to begin building light rail lines within the year.
City Lab: New York’s Subway Announcements Go Gender Neutral – Operators on the MTA are now trained to not use the term “ladies and gentleman” when addressing transit riders. SEPTA generally uses “passengers.” and other cities are sure to follow suit.
Curbed Philly: This map reveals stress levels for biking in Philly and beyond – Take a look at DVRPC’s new map showing the level of traffic stress for cyclists throughout the Delaware River Valley. The map also highlights suburban corridors that could be designed to have a lower level of stress for cyclists with a simple road diet. Philly: Here’s what you’ll get with the new SEPTA app – Riders spoke and SEPTA listened. Real time vehicle location data is the main improvement in SEPTA’s mobile app with the latest update. At this time real time data is only available for Regional Rail trains, but SEPTA is currently testing location data for busses and trolleys.
Image Source: City Lab