The Hub 11/18/16: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-up of Transportation News
“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.
City Lab: How driverless cars could empower pedestrians – By driving more safely and with a greater adherence to the law, autonomous vehicles could create an environment where pedestrians reign supreme.
Co.Exist: The well-designed city is a healthy city, all over the world – A study of over 14,000 adult participants across 4 cities in 10 countries further proved that dense neighborhoods with well-connected streets and access to public transportation not only keeps people fit but can reduce obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
The Guardian: The fall-less city and other innovations for a healthier old age – According to the World Health Organization, older adults will outnumber all children under the age of 14 by 2050. Many cities are addressing this societal shift now by adapting the built environment and services to the needs of their ageing populations.
99% Invisible: Guerrilla bike lanes: San Francisco makes illicit bike lanes permanent – Listen to how guerrilla activists are able to (or not) impact bicycle infrastructure in cities across the U.S.
Daily News: DOT backs bill that would allow cyclists to blow red lights by letting them follow pedestrian walk signals – Now that Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney has issued the city’s first ever Vision Zero Executive Order, Philadelphia could consider a similar measure to help reach the goal of of zero traffic deaths by 2030. Philly needs more leading pedestrian signals first.
Image Source: City Lab