The Hub 12/15/17: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-up of Transportation News
“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important. Blatstein’s Wawa proposal ignores pedestrian-friendly goals along Delaware waterfront – Philadelphia’s master plan for the central Delaware waterfront banned new auto-centric construction along Columbus Boulevard. A new Wawa gas station, proposed at the former Foxwoods Casino site, certainly doesn’t fit in with the vision for a more walkable waterfront.
City Lab: To Fight ‘Bikelash,’ Get Your Boss to Back Protected Lanes – London Cycling Works had an effective strategy to combat the “bikelash” that comes with new protected bike lanes. Their grassroots effort led to hundreds of CEOs of major employers issuing statements saying their employees had a right to get to work safely by way of protected bike lane.
Next City: Detroit Eyes Downtown Highway Conversion – Detroit’s downtown is marred by I-375, a highway relic of urban renewal. The Michigan Department of Transportation has unveiled plans to turn this unsightly and unsafe road into a multimodal surface street.
Plan Philly: After cyclist’s death, Philadelphia to upgrade bike lanes on South, 27th Streets – A new half mile of protected bike lane will bring Philadelphia to three miles of total protected bike lanes; ten percent of Mayor Kenney’s campaign promise.
Streets Blog: Hartford Eliminates Parking Minimums Citywide – Hartford, Connecticut has done away with parking minimums throughout the city. Hartford’s Planning and Zoning Commission hope this will spur development and rehabilitation of historic structures in the city center and beyond.
Image Source: Plan Philly