Clean Air Council

The Hub 1/27/17: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-up of Transportation News

“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.

CityLab: Mass transit mobilizes women. Why don’t women mobilize for mass transit? –  Across U.S. cities women represent greater shares of transit riders and also take more transit trips, yet hundreds of thousands of no-car households live outside of affordable transit’s reach.

Philadelphia Magazine: Does President Trump want to put tolls on I-95? –  The Trump Administration’s  infrastructure “priority list,” which relies heavily on public-private partnerships, was leaked earlier this week. While the list is yet to be confirmed, the list includes replacing or rebuilding 15 bridges on I-95, which is already under construction.

Slate: Building a better bike share [listen] – This episode of Placemaker, Slate’s urbanist podcast, takes a look at how Indego is making bike share attractive to low-income and minority residents.

Forbes: Heavy transportation is now the biggest polluter – Technology-driven solutions to combat carbon emissions in the transportation industry exist, yet adoption is slow. The greatest impact will come from reducing your own driving.

Philly Voice: Walking to the beach could get more dangerous this summer at Jersey Shore –  In 2017, motor vehicle crashes have already killed 14 pedestrians in New Jersey.

Yes! Magazine: Is it time the National Parks broke up with cars –  Last year, more than than 325 million people visited National Parks, an all time high. With the visitors came traffic congestion.

Image Source: Philadelphia Magazine

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