The Hub 12/9/16: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-up of Transportation News
“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.
Independent: Paris makes all public transport free in battle against ‘worst air pollution for 10 years’ – To help combat extremely high air pollution in Paris, the city is offering free public transit and banning cars with license plates of odd numbers one day, and even numbers the next day.
PhillyVoice: South Street gets money for safety improvements – The South Street Headhouse District was awarded a grant to narrow driving lanes to calm traffic and enhance pedestrian safety, widen walking paths, realign crosswalks, install speed bumps, install pedestrian-level lights, and install directional signs.
Philadelphia 3.0: SEPTA Key can transform mobility in Philly (if we let it)– Purchasing fares with a card is just one small part of the potential ways SEPTA Key can improve mobility in Philadelphia.
PlanPhilly: Bill seeks more protection for pedestrians during sidewalk closures – Feet First Philly’s Deborah Schaaf discusses how important this bill would be for pedestrian safety. Councilwoman Gym’s bill would expand current legislation to make it more difficult to block sidewalks during construction.
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