The Hub 2/7/2020: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-Up of Transportation News

“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.
Plan Philly: SEPTA spends millions to fix cracking subway cars with ‘hoagie’ of steel – SEPTA is working to preserve Market-Frankford line cars with cracked support beams by sandwiching them between two pieces of steel. The MFL serves 180,000 riders every weekday, with trains during rush hour often at full capacity. Keeping the MFL in a state of good repair is essential to keeping Philly moving.
The Inquirer: Mayor Kenney makes pick for long-vacant SEPTA board seat representing Philadelphia – Mayor Kenney will appoint Deborah Mahler, current deputy mayor for internal affairs, to the SEPTA board of directors. The board of SEPTA is comprised of appointees from the 4 suburban counties plus Philadelphia, though one of Philadelphia’s seats has been vacant since July. The appointment will go to city council for approval on Thursday.
Strong Towns: An Ordinary Intersection – A Google street view camera captured images of an autocentric intersection near a school in a suburb of Orlando right as school let out. Faded crosswalks and a few signs are the only safety infrastructure as many highschoolers begin their walk home. While it is well illustrated in this example, suburbs across the country face the same safety issues costing lives every year.
CityLab: Amsterdam Eases Train Travel to London, Despite Brexit – Travel between the UK and the Netherlands will soon be quicker and easier. A new agreement between the two governments will allow British border agents to inspect passports in Amsterdam, with Rotterdam soon to follow. Currently, passengers must disembark in Brussels for passport checks.
Clean Air Council’s Clean Commute Awards honors a commuter and a workplace each year who do the most for sustainable commuting. You could win great prizes like a monthly Transpass or a gift certificate to your favorite bike shop. Nominate a workplace or an individual here!
Image Source: CityLab