Clean Air Council

The Hub 2/24/17

Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-up of Transportation News

“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.

New York Post: This NYC roadway has the worst traffic in the nation – NYC may take the cake for worst congestion in the nation, but a Philadelphia highway made the top 10. Can you guess which one it is?

CityLab: Don’t demonize driving, just stop subsidizing it – Since the rise of the automobile, our built environment and transportation policies have been based on car travel. Getting people out of their cars won’t happen quickly, but incentives like higher gas prices matter.

The Guardian: London to introduce £10 vehicle pollution charge, says Sadiq Khan – In a country where air pollution is believed to cause almost 40,000 premature deaths a year, London’s mayor is incentivizing cleaner transportation choices by charging the oldest, most polluting vehicles an extra fee in addition to the already existing congestion charge. Philly Council members propose plan to boost development near transit stops – To combat congestion in Philadelphia, City Council is wants to see Transit-Oriented Development Overlay Districts within 500 feet of selected transit stations. Higher structures with less parking would be allowed within those districts.

Philly Voice: Uber increases booking fee for Philadelphia-area riders – Across all markets, Uber is gradually rolling out an increase in their booking fee. This is the flat charge included in the overall cost of the ride and 100% of goes to Uber. Effective February 18, the flat fee in Philadelphia increased from $1.25 to $1.45.

Newsworks: A rhyming trolley ride with the ‘SEPTA Poet’ – Haven’t had the opportunity to ride with the infamous SEPTA poet? Click the article to listen to some of his rhymes.

Image Source: Newsworks

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