The Hub 2/3/17: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-up of Transportation News
“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.
The San Francisco Examiner: SF’s effort to reduce car trips from new development advances – San Francisco is one step closer to implementing a city-wide policy on new buildings that will help reduce vehicle miles driven.
Metro: Some still cling to tokens as SEPTA Key use grows – Old habits die hard.
The Guardian: #DeleteUber: How social media turned on Uber – Whether the subject of a protest or a tool of the protesters, transportation has a long history in political activism.
CityLab: London police will pose as cyclists to catch unsafe drivers – In an effort to educate rather than punish drivers, this crack-down on unsafe driving has proven successful in other areas of London.
Business Insider: 12 major cities that are starting to go car-free – Get inspired by these cities and their innovative plans to reduce traffic and pollution.
Image Source: CityLab