The Hub 3/16/18: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-up of Transportation News
“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.
Billy Penn: This sexy Mural Arts bike is the most popular ride in all Philly bike share – Indego’s most used bike is a visually striking black and white collaboration with the Mural Arts Program. Check out this cool map of everywhere it’s been! Paris Offers Sweet Incentives to Ditch Your Car for a Bike -Tax breaks for ditching your car, upgrading your bike to an e-bike, and getting an electric or conventional cargo bike are now available to Parisians. This is happening amid incentives to switch from a gas powered to an electric powered vehicle and a bike infrastructure surge, Paris is working to lessen pollution from the transit sector by making sustainable choices the ones that pay..
City Lab: Mayors Are Demanding a Better Infrastructure Deal – The National League of Cities is lobbying for a 50/50 split of infrastructure funding between the federal government and the state and local governments. Many cities are very limited in how infrastructure funds can be raised, leaving the Trump administration’s 1.5 Trillion dollar infrastructure plan defunct.
International Railway Journal: Vivarail D-Train to be tested in US cities -Old London Underground train cars are being proposed as an inexpensive way to bring robust passenger rail to U.S. cities with rail infrastructure. Vivarail claims that a pilot program in cities with existing freight or underused passenger rail tracks would cost less that consulting fees for a feasibility study for a new line.
StreetsBlog: Hundreds of Parents and Children Demand Action From de Blasio to Stop Drivers From Killing Kids – It’s a tragedy when a child is killed, and parents are demanding an end to preventable fatalities caused by motorists. Families in New York City’s Park Slope neighborhood are pressuring the mayor to advance Vision Zero policies without delay.
Miami Herald: FIU pedestrian bridge collapses days after installation; police say multiple deaths, cars trapped – Tragedy struck in Miami yesterday afternoon, as a brand new pedestrian bridge collapsed, crushing 8 vehicles and killing 4. First responders worked tirelessly to rescue the injured. The 950 ton bridge was installed less than a week ago and was not open to pedestrians yet. An investigation has been launched to discover the cause of the failure.
Image Source: Billy Penn