The Hub 3/20/2020: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-Up of Transportation News
Clean Air Council, as are all of its members and supporters, is currently dealing with an unprecedented health crisis that is affecting people around the world and right here in Pennsylvania. The safety of our employees, members, and the public are most important at this time. The Council’s staff is working remotely for the time being, but continues to work towards its mission of protecting everyone’s right to a healthy environment.
“The Hub” is our weekly round-up of the transportation news we find important. You’ll notice this week much of it relates to transportation during the current Covid-19 virus. While we advocate that everyone practice social distancing, we understand some people do not have the privilege to work from their home, or have essential duties that they must travel for such as health care workers. All of us could use a walk around the block and fresh air at this time, while continuing to follow best-practices from our local, state, and federal health agencies.
Please be safe while Covid-19 continues to pose a significant health threat.
“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.
PlanPhilly: Bike shops, deemed ‘essential,’ boom as people seek ways to travel solo – As people adhere to the CDC recommendations to avoid crowds, bicycles are becoming a preferred transportation option for many people. Whether you’re dusting off your old wheels or getting a new ride all together, Philly’s great bike shops are open to help you get around at a safe social distance.
The Inquirer: SEPTA to reduce service on busses, subways, trolleys, Norristown High Speed Line – SEPTA has announced that the entire system will operate on a Saturday schedule. This service reduction in response to reduced ridership during the COVID-19 crisis. Check out for the latest schedule information.
LA Times: Is it safe to hike, run and bike outside now? – With many of us going a bit stir crazy in social isolation, questions about outdoor recreation and transportation are on everyone’s mind. Walking, biking, hiking, and running outdoors are all safe activities to do in social isolation. In fact, getting out and moving can have a positive impact on your mental and physical health.
CityLab: When the World Stops Moving – With travel across the globe screeching to a halt, air quality is improving and wildlife is reclaiming ground. Everyone staying put isn’t all fresh air and little animals though, public transportation systems funded in large by fares are in financial hot water, with many seeking federal bailout dollars.
Image Source: Plan Philly