Clean Air Council

The Hub 3/23/18: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-up of Transportation News

“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.


Green Philly Blog: OMG #BREAKING: NEW BIKE LANES ON JFK & MARKET!! – A new bike lane will grace center city along JFK Boulevard and Market Street between 15th and 20th Streets. The improvements to the corridor will include updated bus shelters, shortened crossings, and an opportunity for planters to beautify the area.


Mobility Lab: How should transit agencies deal with people’s irrational driving preference? – Despite all the monetary, environmental, and time savings gained by using transit, people still commute via single occupancy vehicle in droves. One of the factors that is harder to measure is comfort, causing many to eschew transit for their own little spot in traffic.


City Lab: How the Self-Driving Dream Might Become a Nightmare – An autonomous vehicle struck and killed a pedestrian in Tempe, Arizona on Sunday, prompting conversations around who is to blame when a crash happens. This conversation could shape the way autonomous vehicles are programmed, regulated, and marketed.


International Railway Journal: Delhi metro Pink Line inaugurated – In India’s metropolitan capital province, a new 59 km metro line will change the transit game. The Pink Line, set to open in June, will connect to every other metro line, shortening some trips that require transfers by more than 20 minutes.


StreetsBlog: The Florida International Bridge Collapse Is About So Much More Than a Failed Structure – Last week’s tragic bridge collapse in Florida had a death toll of 6. The intersection, which separates Florida International’s campus with the dense neighborhood where thousands of students live, has been the site of tragedy before when a student was struck and killed by a vehicle in August. There were a myriad of improvements that could have been made to this intersection that would have shortened the crossing and made it safer, but those would have involved traffic calming, which the Florida DOT is notoriously against.


Image Source: Mobility Lab

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