Clean Air Council

The Hub 3/9/18: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-up of Transportation News

“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.


Plan Philly: To reduce traffic deaths, city to create new bike lane crew – Mayor Kenney’s budget address included a promise of 60 million to further the goals of Vision Zero. His plan includes additional staff tasked with implementing a network of protected bike lanes.


Philly Voice: Casey, Toomey announce $12 million grant to complete Schuylkill River Trail -The Schuylkill River Trail is one of the region’s most well used and well loved paths. The section of the trail between Christian Street and the Grays Ferry Crescent will be the final link between Center City and Bartram’s Garden.


City Lab: The Unhelpful Ways Cities Talk About Bike Helmets – American cyclists are more likely to wear helmets than their international counterparts, but biking in the US is more dangerous than it is overseas. Cyclists are more likely to be hit by motor vehicles here. Cities promote wearing a helmet far more readily than they advocate driver awareness or cycling infrastructure.


Next City: Montreal’s Iconic Subway Cars Becoming Creative Spaces -Southwest Montreal’s F-MR Station, near Lachine Canal National Historic Site will be home to four reused metro cars. The blue cars familiar to all Montrealers will house art galleries, a recording studio, and a snack bar. Phase two of the project will include a multi-level gallery made up of eight cars.


StreetsBlog: Snapping Together a Better Bus Stop -Bus bulbs and islands save up to 20 seconds per stop and increase safety and accessibility for bus riders. This simple infrastructure improvement is made more cost effective by using snap-in-place platforms. The platforms are ADA compliant and can be installed in a single day.


Image Source: Philly Voice

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