The Hub 4/21/17: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-up of Transportation News
“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.
BBC: Cycling to work can cut cancer and heart disease, says study – Another reason why cities need to make cycling a safe commuting and recreational option.
The Los Angeles Times: When car ownership fades, this parking garage will be ready for its next life – Architecture firms are preparing today’s structures for the arrival of self-driving cars.
PlanPhilly: Kenney returns electric car parking permit moratorium bill to Council unsigned, will become law – The moratorium on on-street parking for electric cars shows a lack of leadership and foresight. This could have disastrous effects for our health and environment, making it harder to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, reduce air pollution that triggers asthma, and tackle climate change. Automobile-related deaths up in Philly, crashes up region wide – Statewide traffic deaths dropped slightly thanks to use of seat belts, improved design, and greater awareness of drunk driving. However, pedestrian traffic deaths are up statewide.
Billy Penn: I-95 in Philly: When all this roadwork will finally be done, by neighborhood – It will be great when I-95 construction is finished, but many sections won’t be complete until the next decade. The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, PennDOT, and Clean Air Council have created resources to assist employers and employees with planning and implementing programs to ease commutes during the most challenging phases of construction. Read about these commuting resources here.
Image Source: Los Angeles Times