Clean Air Council

The Hub 5/4/18: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round Up of Transportation News

A cargo bike in Oslo, which plans to go car-free in 2019

“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.


PlanPhilly: ACLU sues SEPTA, claiming ad policy violates First Amendment– Since a 2015 court order to run anti-Islamic ads, SEPTA has tightened its advertising policy by not running any issue based ads. ACLU is representing the Center for Investigative Reporting after they were denied ad space to highlight the racial disparities in mortgage lending in Philadelphia.


Strong Towns: The Ultimate Guide to Creating Walkable Streets – Strong Towns has curated materials for walkability advocates. This step-by-step guide shows why we need walkable streets and how we can achieve them.


StreetsBlog: Hit-and-Run Deaths Are Skyrocketing, and Pedestrians and Cyclists Bear the Brunt – Hit-and-run deaths have risen by 60% since 2009. Nearly two-thirds of these are pedestrians and cyclists, and almost half of all hit-and-run drivers who kill are never brought to justice.


CityLab: Oslo’s Race to Become a Major Bike Haven – Oslo, Norway’s capital city, has set a lofty goal: creating a car free city center by 2019. Planters are replacing parking spots, and the city’s signature crimson bike lanes are being painted miles at a time.  Oslo struggles with poor air quality due to the surrounding geography, and is working to drastically improve it.


Next City: NYC Has a Plan to Push the Pedal on Buses – Bus ridership is suffering across the country. New York City is developing a plan to make MTA busses more efficient. Rear door boarding, touch passes, and dedicated bus lanes are just a few of the strategies being employed to capture new riders and better serve existing ones.

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