The Hub 5/12/17: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-up of Transportation News
“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.
PlanPhilly: SEPTA has smooth ride through City Council budget hearings – Councilmembers, who brought up critical concerns like reverse commuting to KOP, are expected to fulfill SEPTA’s budget request in a few weeks.
City Lab: Who’s choosing bike share over the bus?– A new study shows that for every thousand Citi Bike docks added along Brooklyn and Manhattan bus routes, bus trips dropped by 2.42%.
Curbed: Britain’s hidden bike highways are being rediscovered and resurrected on Kickstarter – There might be as many as 500 miles of hidden cycleways from the 1930s spread across the UK.
Tree Hugger: Smart urban commuter bike features built-in sensors, navigation, & performance tracking – Thought blindspot detection sensors were just for cars? Think again.
Wired: Don’t look now, but even buses are going autonomous – While buses with driver assisted automated technology has increased safety, it’s important to ask how fully automated public transit and commercial trucks will impact jobs.
Image Source: Curbed