Clean Air Council

The Hub 5/26/17: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-up of Transportation News

“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.

The Hill: Transportation Department faces cuts under Trump budget – In addition to cuts to long-distance Amtrak trains, the White House’s fiscal 2018 budget proposal eliminates funding for the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant.

PR Wire: Wolf Administration, State Officials discuss bicycle safety, benefits and improvements for cyclists to mark bike to work week – Expect to see more bike lanes in the suburbs! PennDOT has eliminated the Bicycle Occupancy Permit, which was a burdensome requirement for municipalities to maintain any bikeway in PENNDOT’s right of way.

PlanPhilly: SEPTA riders overwhelmingly take the bus and subway. Why does Regional Rail receive more funding? – PlanPhilly takes a deep dive into 10 years worth of SEPTA’s data to understand why Regional Rail is a priority.

CNN: The case for bicycles’ inevitable triumph over cars – The future is electric bikeshare.

The Verge: UberPool is getting smarter in New York City — and less convenient –  In NYC,  UberPool riders are being prompted to walk to the closest corner for pickups …  sounds a lot like how public transit works.

Clean Air Council: Spoke-tacular time at Bike to Work Day 2017 – Friday, May 17 was National Bike to Work Day. Clean Air Council celebrated new and experienced bike commuters in the Navy Yard with PIDC, GoPhillyGo, and South Philly Bikes. Hear why a few Philadelphians bike to work in the Navy Yard and check out the photos from Bike to Work Day 2017.

Image Source: The Verge

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