The Hub 6/23/16: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-up of Transportation News
Image Source: Green Biz
“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.
Green Biz: Could autonomous vehicles ease congestion? – Many think so, however, there is a chance autonomous vehicles could make congestion worse. Find out what needs to be done in order for AVs to enhance the U.S. transportation network. Ride sharing a hit in Philly, but city’s disabled are still left behind – For the 200,000 people in the City with mobility limitations, hiring a wheelchair accessible vehicle often means planning hours or a day in advance. Ford is testing out a new car-sharing program, and literally no one has signed up – Ford is trying to get in on ridesharing through shared leases. But, Credit Link may not be the answer.
Philly Voice: N.J. lawmakers propose 23-cent per gallon gas tax to fund transportation projects –
$600 – the amount of money New Jersey’s roads currently costs each driver every year.
550 – the number of NJ bridges considered “structurally deficient” and in need of major repairs.
0 – the amount of money the NJ transportation fund will have at the end of this month.
$20 billion – the cost of a 10 year transportation program that could be funded by increasing the state tax gas by 23 cents per gallon to 37.5 cents per gallon.