Clean Air Council

The Hub 8/9/19: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-Up of Transportation News

Slow zones, city, speed limits, vison zero, safe streets, complete streets

“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.


PlanPhilly: Grays Ferry Bridge is scary for cyclists and PennDOT’s rebuild won’t solve the problem – PennDOT is in the midst of a $13.3 million retrofit of a major bridge between South and Southwest Philadelphia. A protected bike lane is included in the redesign of the eastbound side, but the westbound will remain unprotected, with cyclists left to choose between speeding traffic and intermingling with pedestrians on the sidewalk.


CurbedPhilly: Free Streets 2019: photos that captured the carless event – August 3rd, North Broad Street was closed to cars from 9am to 1:30pm. Cyclists and pedestrians of all ages enjoyed the 4 mile stretch of road filled with fun and educational activities and installations from organizations all over the city. Check out these photos from this fun event!


Strong Towns: We Require Too Much Parking. These Boston Planners Found Out Exactly How Much.  – Most US cities have parking minimums written into their zoning codes, leading to wasted space and increased car dependency. Planners at the Metropolitan Area Planning Council in Boston have complied compelling data about the ways providing excess parking increases automobile use and just how much excess parking is built along with new construction.


Next City: Now in Grand Rapids: Para-transit That’s Ready When You Are – Para-transit, which allows people with mobility needs to get from origin to destination in one ride, is a key part of a transit system’s accessibility. Many transit agencies require riders to schedule rides days in advance. Grand Rapids has partnered with Via, a ridesharing app that focuses on first and last mile transit connections, to create Rapid on Demand. Rapid on Demand will allow para-transit users to request rides through the Via app in real time.


City Lab: The Case for the Slow City –  Speed is the number one predictor in the fatality of automobile crashes. Cities across Europe and a few in the US have implemented “slow zones”: neighborhoods with decreased speed limits and increased enforcement. Enforcement and signage can only go so far towards slowing traffic. We need to rethink how we design streets to prioritize safety over speed.


Image Source: City Lab


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