Clean Air Council

The Hub 8/12/16: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-up of Transportation News

“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.

PlanPhilly: Green for green: $21 million in federal funds for clean air transportation projects – These projects will help reduce nitrogen oxide pollution by 11.3 tons per year and fine particulate matter by half a ton per year.

Philly Voice: Trulia debuts tool to price and find Philly apartments near SEPTA – Recognizing that many city dwellers rely on public transit to access jobs, education, healthcare, food, open space and more, Trulia aims to help renters easily find rental listings near major subway and commuter train lines with a new tool.

Gothamist: Manhattan is getting a 60 block “Shared Streets” slow zone Saturday – In conjunction with Summer Streets, this one-off, pedestrian-friendly event will reduce the speed of traffic to 5 miles per hour for a large area of Manhattan.

Metro: Female cyclists caught between harassment and break the law – Sometimes it’s safer for a woman cyclist to break the law than be exposed to harassment or assault while at a red light or stop sign.

Image Source: Gothamist

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