Clean Air Council

The Hub 9/15/17: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-up of Transportation News

“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.


Next City: How Young is Too Young to Ride Public Transit Alone? – Vancouver blogger and father of five Adrian Crook has been ordered not to allow his children to take the bus by themselves — a ruling that could have implications for the future of family-friendly cities.


Plan Philly: SEPTA blasts alarm over GOP House budget proposal’s cuts to state transportation funds  –  SEPTA officials are all train whistles and bus horns this week, warning that Pennsylvania’s ongoing budget woes now threaten their budget and, therefore, your commute.


City Lab: How Do You Design an Effective Bike Lane Barrier? –  Flexible delineator posts are the standard for low cost protected bike lane barriers.  But are they enough?


USA Today: House passes bill that exempts self-driving cars from safety rules –  The House easily passed legislation Wednesday that gives federal regulators final say over performance standards for self-driving vehicles and could allow for as many as 100,000 such vehicles a year to be exempted from safety standards while the technology is developing.


Image Source: Next City

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