The Hub 9/20/17: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-up of Transportation News
“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.
Wired: Scope the Future of Driving with 7 Electric Concepts – With Volvo and Smart phasing out fuel-powered vehicles in the next decade, and other major automobile makers rolling out new electric models, car companies are responding to international pressure to reduce emissions.
City Lab: Carpooling Is Totally Coming Back This Time, We Swear – Nationwide, the one person one car commute is declining. Meanwhile, carpooling, which had seen a significant decline since the 1970’s, is making a commuting comeback.
Next City: New Bus Station’s Rooftop Park to Borrow From 1990s NYC – In San Francisco, one bus station’s roof is going to become the city’s newest public park. The transit hub’s public space will be privately funded and managed, drawing upon Bryant Park in New York City for inspiration. The culture war in the bike lane: In Philly, are cars winning? – Bicycle infrastructure saves lives, yet many Philadelphians are vehemently opposed to taking space away from cars.
Billy Penn: Construction should (finally) start on the Schuylkill Banks swing bridge next spring– The Schuylkill River Trail is getting closer to completion. The swing bridge will be the next step toward a contiguous trail from center city to Bartram’s Garden.
Image Source: Billy Penn