The Hub: 1/19/18: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-up of Transportation News
“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.
Plan Philly: Answers for all your SEPTA Key questions – As SEPTA officially stops selling tokens next week, many are adopting SEPTA Key. The roll out of Philly’s new smart card system has had its share of hiccups, but it is currently operational.
City Lab: Instead of a Wall, Why Not a Binational Border Bikeshare? – El Paso’s bikeshare, Suncycle, is proposing an expansion into Ciudad Juarez across the Mexican border. El Paso and Ciudad Juarez make up an economically intertwined metro area, with 1800 commuters crossing the border on foot daily. Suncycle is working to make that commute more accessible by bike.
WHYY: Six ways Philly can woo Amazon with better bike lanes – As Philadelphia courts Amazon’s HQ2, bicycle infrastructure is going to be a stumbling block. We are woefully behind other cities in the region when it comes to protected bike lanes.
Next City: Kansas City Privatizes Sidewalks in Rowdy Entertainment District – Kansas City’s City Council just approved a proposal to privatizing the sidewalks in a popular nightlife district in an effort to curb the regular fights that break out. Opponents of the proposal worry that the privatization will make way for further racial profiling in the district. Civil rights observers will be required to be at every checkpoint.
Streets Blog: Toronto Cleared Cars Off Its Biggest Transit Street, and Ridership Soared Almost Overnight– The – Toronto is showing that prioritizing transit increases ridership. What was originally a year long temporary pilot program is already being considered for permanence after just a few months.
Image Source: Streets Blog