Clean Air Council

The Hub 4/1/16: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-up of Transportation News

Image source: SEPTA

“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important. This is the first edition – we hope you enjoy!

Streetsblog USA: Anthony Foxx Wants to Repair the Damage Done By Urban Highways – Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx begins speaking tour on the damage caused by the interstate highway system on black urban neighborhoods. Not only were long-time, thriving communities devastated and 500,000 families displaced by massive, grade-separated roads, but these are some of the same communities that are disproportionately impacted by roadway pollution. Fine particulate matter, found in air pollution, is among the leading causes of death and severe disability.

Plan Philly: DVRPC awards $7.6 million for protected bike lanes, pedestrian safety, trailsand lights on Manayunk Bridge – Safety is a huge barrier to cycling and walking. These projects, including protected bike lanes and sidewalks improvements, can help to reduce the amount of car-bike or car-pedestrian crashes. By making safe streets for all, many people may opt to walk or bike, rather than drive.

Newsworks: New Jersey lawmaker proposes fining distracted walkers – While Philly is working to improve the streets for all road users, New Jersey may shift the blame of traffic crashes onto pedestrians operating a hand-held device while walking.

Al Día: SEPTA plans June unveiling of Key program – “SEPTA remains the only transit agency in the United States still operating on a token system.” Will there be a cashless payment system by June? We will find out on April 14.

CityLab: More Before-and-After Photos of the World’s Best Street Designs – Check out how cities from around the world are designing streets for pedestrians and cyclists.

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