Clean Air Council

The Hub 4/21/16: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-up of Transportation News

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“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area. Check back weekly to keep up to date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important. PA transportation chief not just one of the guys – Leslie Richards, the state’s first female Secretary of Transportation, is pushing for technological changes that could alleviate traffic congestion and save money. She already proposed installing smart signs on the Schuylkill Expressway that would update motorists on how they could divert to nearby train stops and replacing registration stickers with online registration.

Billy Penn: After Indego slashes prices, will Philly’s bike share finally reach the underserved? – After 1 year of operation, Indego has announced that they now offer monthly subscriptions to ACCESS card holders for $5 per month. Indego has also released the locations 24 new station

PlanPhilly: Freedom is the Key: PATCO fare cards will work on SEPTA – After the software improvement is complete in 2017, the Freedom card will work for any kind of SEPTA fare. It will be the only card a bi-state transit commuter will need.

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