Demand FERC Issue an Environmental Impact Statement on the Adelphia Pipeline

Comments on Adelphia Gateway Pipeline are due Sunday, February 3, 2019!
Adelphia Gateway, LLC, a subsidiary of NJR Pipeline Co., is proposing to repurpose an existing 18 inch, 84-mile pipeline to carry natural gas. The northern 34 miles were converted to natural gas in 1996, and the company is now proposing to convert the remaining 50 miles. The pipeline extends from Martins Creek Terminal in Northampton County, PA, down to the Marcus Hook Industrial Complex in Delaware County, PA.
On January 4, 2019, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) released its Environmental Assessment (EA) of the Adelphia Pipeline Project. Residents, landowners, municipalities, and intervenors have until February 3, 2019 to submit comments on the EA, and it is extremely important that we all do so.
One of the most important things to write in comments is a demand for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), which would require Adelphia to do a much more in-depth analysis of the impacts to water, air, land, living organisms, and social, cultural, and economic impacts. The EA inadequately analyzed environmental impacts, and FERC must require additional analysis from Adelphia.
Please take action now and submit a comment to FERC. Clean Air Council will submit your comment to the FERC docket on your behalf.
We need to ensure that the environmental impact and safety of people come before profits.
We request an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). This affects my family and community.
I demand and environmental Impact Statement from FERC. The Assessment is too vague and grossly inadequate for the scope of this project. Thank you!
Please do an EIS on Adelphia extension to Marcus Hook. Our state is already rated F for air and water. FERC needs to do a better job to save our environment from further damage in light of the increase in global warming.
These pipelines are just flat out intolerable. Unacceptable! And no job is worth having over something destructive. I’d rather be unemployed in a clean environment that have a good paying job that causes irreversible destruction.
Please do an EIS on Adelphia extension to Marcus Hook. Our state is already rated F for air and water. FERC needs to do a better job to save our environment from further damage in light of the increase in global warming
I insist that FERC issue an Environmental Impact statement on the Adellphia Pipeline ! We have already seen the adverse effects of global warming . FERC needs to protect us!
Absolutely opposed to Quakertown project.
Please do an EIS on Adelphia extension to Marcus Hook. Our state is already rated F for air and water. FERC needs to do a better job to save our environment from further damage in light of the increase in global warming.
We demand Adelphia does a full enviormental Impact Statement for the pipeline project. Our town is one ofpoints for a station and we are gravely concerned of the impact. We spent years recovering for other projects and activities that left us with enviormental toxins. Please complete to the full detailed assessments necessary to assure that does not happen again.