Feet First Philly Mini-grants Open for the 2nd Year

In January 2021, a selection committee made up of Council staff along with professionals and community members from across Philadelphia selected the top seven projects to award mini-grants ranging from $500 to $2000. The grants were awarded earlier this year and the projects have been recently completed.
Some of the highlights include:
Chew and Chelten CDC completed a mural painting on a long time newsstand that had shut down. The work was performed by a local artist (Sarafina Harris), who did an excellent job depicting local residents, and community members had input into the design.
The Cobbs Creek Ambassadors used funding to purchase supplies and start up kits to complete regular clean-ups along the Cobbs Creek Trail. Collectively, the ambassadors collected over 1.9 tons of garbage throughout the year, and have been leaders in neighborhood stewardship of the Trail.
The Enterprise Center CDC will be creating mini-libraries outside the Blackwell Library to facilitate a more friendly pedestrian environment that will promote more engagement with the library and other resources they provide.
Centennial East Parkside CDC hosted a Black Men’s Conference during the weekend of Juneteenth, where they used the opportunity to survey neighbors about their walkability experience within the community. They collected data that will be helpful in addressing walkability and other issues in the neighborhood.
Kensington Neighborhood Association is completing a major reconstruction of a severely damaged sidewalk along their neighborhood garden. This project will improve accessibility to the garden as well as general pedestrian travel within the area.
The Council is excited to announce that Feet First Philly is partnering with the Department of Public Health again in 2021 to provide funding for mini-grants to create and improve public spaces, particularly in underserved communities. Mini-grants between $500 and $2000 will be awarded to address the financial and technical barriers that organizations face when creating or improving safe public spaces. Grant money can be used to support public space projects, including construction materials, educational materials, event costs, insurance, stipends, staff time, or other needs.
Check out the page here to learn more about the mini-grant program, download the RFP, and view a recent webinar from Council staff on the program. Applications are due November 8th, and interested applicants are encouraged to contact feetfirstphilly@cleanair.org or Titania Markland, Transportation Outreach Coordinator, at tmarkland@cleanair.org to discuss their projects.