Clean Air Council

Allegheny County Community Composting Project


For the next three-year period, Clean Air Council is leading an EPA-funded community composting project in Allegheny County, PA – specifically in the underserved neighborhoods of Braddock, North Braddock, Clairton, and Swissvale.

The Council is collaborating with community partners to establish 50 composting systems in each community. The project is focused on community composting, but also offers individual households the opportunity to secure their own compost system, as well as tools to maintain the system. Any compost system is free of charge to the applicant, and Council staff will ensure delivery and help with system set-up. The project will include educational workshops, composting literature, supplies, and logistical support to remove barriers to composting.


We encourage community members, local groups, and organizations to participate in the program by offering the use of a local indoor or outdoor venue for workshops, by agreeing to host a community composting site, or by discussing composting with their neighbors. We are looking to partner with any interested parties and collaboration can be tailored to meet your needs.

Participants and Council staff will have a follow-up meeting after compost installation to address any concerns or successes. The amount of compost waste created will be measured during a tracking period to determine how much organic waste has been diverted from landfills.


The participating communities don’t currently have access to municipal composting services, nor do paid composting services operate in each neighborhood. Therefore, compostable matter such as kitchen scraps and garden waste end up in landfills, contributing to the growing waste problem, as well as producing emissions that are harmful to human health and our environment.

Collecting organic waste as part of garbage pickup also adds to the overall capacity and weight in the waste stream, causing the equipment to use up more fuel. Most sanitation services also charge the Borough or City according to the weight of collected waste, and diverting organic waste from this mix has resulted in lower dumping fees in other municipalities.

These factors, among others, contribute to overall negative environmental effects. Setting up local community composting sites allows residents to take charge of their own composting needs, and create meaningful connections with their neighbors at the same time.


The Council proposes community composting as a solution to overcome these issues. Community composting refers to the use of shared composting systems and resources amongst neighbors, community groups, and other local actors. Sharing the use of a compost bin enables access to more people while also sharing maintenance responsibilities.

Community composting benefits local residents and organizations in many ways. Enabling access to composting:

  • offers a long-term sustainable solution for disposing of organic waste
  • diverts waste from landfills
  • reduces the load for sanitation staff and equipment
  • is a free alternative for participating residents
  • helps reduce food waste
  • has positive environmental effects
  • adds to local biodiversity by attracting useful microorganisms and by enabling more diverse gardening
  • gives community members continuous access to fresh compost for gardening
  • encourages vegetable and flower gardening, helping beautify participating neighborhoods

Additionally, the Council is looking to promote community connections, creating networks between neighbors. Sharing the workload of composting gives all community members better access and resources for composting, and helps you feel more connected to your community.

If you have an interest in this composting initiative, please fill out a survey corresponding with your neighborhood below and a Council staff member will be in touch. Throughout the year, we will update event dates and workshop locations on this website.

Braddock Community Composting Project
North Braddock Community Composting Project
Clairton Community Composting Project
Swissvale Community Composting Project

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