Clean Air Council


The PA Environmental Quality Board (EQB) must ensure that the proposed revisions to state water protection regulations (known as Chapter 105 regulations) do not make it easier for project applicants to obtain waivers that would allow them to avoid the permitting process altogether. Project applicants should not be able to obtain permit waivers for Pennsylvania’s most critical streams and wetlands regardless of their size.  

Additionally, the proposed regulations would change the permit application submission process for large projects, such as pipelines, which cross multiple counties, by only requiring applicants to submit one application, rather than needing to submit applications to each county the project touches. The EQB needs to make sure that any proposed revisions do not hinder the county’s role in the project review. As experts of the local environment, our communities must be involved in reviewing county-specific impacts from projects like pipelines to the fullest extent.   

Please write to the EQB today.

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