Clean Air Council

The Hub 1/7/2022: Clean Air Council’s Weekly Round-up of Transportation News

A city street including a huge protected bike lane, lots of bike racks, many cyclists and pedestrians, and large buses.
TfL data shows huge increase in foot and cycle journeys during the pandemic. Image Source: Traffic Technology Today.

“The Hub” is a weekly round-up of transportation related news in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Check back weekly to keep up-to-date on the issues Clean Air Council’s transportation staff finds important.

StreetsBlog USA: Reimagining Walking Distance Walking and biking are affordable ways to relieve stress and get to different places. Not every city has safe walking and biking infrastructure for residents to enjoy. These cities now have the opportunity to reimagine and increase walking and biking infrastructure through the bipartisan infrastructure bill.

The Atlantic: Big Cars Are Killing AmericansThere has been a steady increase in the size and weight of trucks on our roads. These big cars are contributing to the spike in pedestrian fatalities. America needs to impose pedestrian safety standards on automakers. 

Traffic Technology Today: Increase Walking And Cycling During The Pandemic The pandemic impacted people’s traveling habits and patterns. Transportation for London (TfL) recently published a report which showed that there is an increase in the number of trips walked in London. Cycling also increased, with more people taking leisure trips.

The Drive: New French Law Requires Car Commercials To Tell People To Walk Or Bike Instead Many companies are required to provide warnings to consumers of the negative effects of their products. This new French Law forces automakers to provide messages about alternative modes of transportation in advertisements. This aims to lower transportation carbon emissions in France.

Greenbiz: Micromobility Drives Towards Broader Acceptance During the pandemic some e-scooter and bike share companies saw a decline in ridership and revenue, but these companies are hopeful for the new year. Micromobility has the potential to help decarbonize the transportation sector globally.

Image Source: Traffic Technology Today

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