The Clean Air Council is a member-supported, environmental health nonprofit that depends on concerned residents raising their voices and volunteering their time to make change happen in their community and for the environment. Clean Air Council volunteers are from all walks of life, different ages, and different backgrounds but they all have a passion for the environment.
Become a Clean Air Council member by volunteering 4+ hours a year on a Council program or local environmental issue the Council supports!
To express interest in volunteering for the Council and be added to our volunteer opportunity email list, please email Bobby Szafranski at rs@cleanair.org.
Some examples of volunteering opportunities:
Program Volunteers
Take direct action for Clean Air Council such as writing Letters to the Editor, recruiting for events, collecting petitions, testifying to elected officials or agencies, attending an in-person grassroots event, or contributing their specific professional skill-sets to our work pro-bono (such as engineering).

Clean Air Council’s “Neighborhood Groups”
These local neighborhood groups support the Council’s efforts to advance local environmental policy, fight pipeline and fracking infrastructure, and create local support. Most of these Neighborhood Groups groups are based in Southwestern Pennsylvania.
For example, residents of Mon Valley communities near the US Steel facilities have banded together with support from the Clean Air Council and allies to form the grassroots community organization Valley Clean Air Now (VCAN). Learn more here.
Contact Matt Walker mwalker@cleanair.org to connect with your Southwestern Pennsylvania Neighborhood group.

Attorney Volunteers
Legal attorneys who volunteer their time to the Council on court cases are critical to the Council’s work. We would not be able to handle the abundant legal cases we take without volunteer attorneys.
We offer internships for undergraduate, graduate and law students over the summer and during academic semesters. While these internships are unpaid, interns may be eligible for work study programs, external funding, or academic credit. Temple Law students interested in interning during the academic year for credit should look for the Council’s practicum announcement, which is shared by the school each semester.

For general internships please submit your inquiries to John Lee, MPH at jlee@cleanair.org indicating the purpose of the internship and your areas of interest.