Watershed Protection
We believe that everyone has the right to clean water. The Delaware River Watershed provides drinking water for 15 million people and supports a vast array of recreational activities. From stormwater runoff to pipeline spills, the Delaware River Watershed is under constant threat of pollution and contamination. Clean Air Council addresses threats to our watershed through outreach to impacted communities, advocacy to local and state officials and regulatory agencies on rules and permits, and when necessary, legal action.
Stream Protections
Land development, stormwater runoff, agricultural and industrial pollution, and the build out of fossil fuel infrastructure has impaired water quality of our critical streams and our rivers. The southern portion of the watershed faces pollution threats from industrial facilities such as wastewater treatment plants, hazardous waste facilities, landfills, chemical plants, oil refineries, and shale gas-related infrastructure. The Council documents and reports threats to the watershed to proper authorities and supports coalitions and watershed groups in strengthening state protections for local streams.
Toxic Site Cleanups
Pollution from old industrial sites can be harmful to public health. The regulations for environmental cleanups and redevelopment are complex and often difficult for the public to track and engage in. Clean Air Council works with communities across Pennsylvania to advocate for cleaning up contaminated soil at former industrial sites.
Cobbs Creek Watershed Coalition
The Council recognizes the health of our watersheds directly impacts the health of communities. Watersheds with diverse ecosystems that are pollution-free and offer climate-resilient infrastructure are spaces for residents and visitors to learn and play and create connections for neighbors to become environmental advocates. The Council is dedicated to protecting waterways through policy, advocacy, stewardship, and conservation to ensure residents are able to safely enjoy the physical, mental, and social benefits of their waterways.