Report Local Hazards in Philadelphia
Open burning and spray painting is completely illegal in Philadelphia. If you live near a business that is a nuisance to your community please report their violations whether it is an odor, smoke, dust, chemical or drainage problem.
Please call Russell Zerbo at 215.567.4004 x130 or e-mail if you have any questions about reporting incidents or want to describe an interaction with a city agency. Russell may be able to help you with an indoor mold issue within the city.
To report illegal burning, spray painting or dust call Air Management Services at 215-685-7580. You can report smoke/dust/noise/vibrations as well as indoor air issues like carbon monoxide.
You can email Air Management Services here
Mention the name of the facility, their address and where the smoke or odor is coming from. You do not have to give them your information but they will take you more seriously if you do.
If you are experiencing an air pollution emergency and need AMS after normal work hours, you may call Municipal Radio at 215-686-4514/15. If you are experiencing an air pollution issue after normal work hours that does not constitute an emergency, please call AMS at 215-685-7580 on the following business day or send an email to
Events such as explosions and fires should be reported to 911. AMS does not send inspectors to non-emergency complaints after normal business hours through Municipal Radio. All non-emergency complaints, regardless of when or how frequently they occur, must go through AMS’s normal complaint process. An air pollution emergency is one which creates an immediate threat to the public health and safety. AMS normally considers air pollution issues arising from noise, dust, and vibration to be non-emergency issues.
If you live near a business or dumping site that floods, clogging drain pipes and dispersing toxic substances please call the Water Department. The general water line is (215) 685-6300.
For more serious water violations report industrial waste to the Water Department at 215-685-6236. Visit this link for more information.
You can call 311 for any hazard report at (215) 686-8686.
Click here to make a service request to the Streets Department about a variety of issues.
If you need to report unlicensed contractor or construction work being done without valid permits please make a normal 311 complaint and then send the complaint number with additional information to Click here for more information.
Watch this tutorial on using the Philly311 produced by Mydia Alonso.
Quemar al aire libre en Philadelphia es completamente ilegal. Si vives cerca de un negocio que es una molestia para tu comunidad, por favor reporte sus violaciones si es un problema de olor, humo, o drenaje.
Para reportar incendios ilegales, llama al Air Management Services (AMS – Servicios de Mantenimiento del Aire) al 215-685-7580 para reportar humo/ruido/vibraciones. Mencione el nombre del sitio, su dirección y de donde viene el humo o el olor. No es necesario dar tu información al AMS, pero la cuidad te tomara más en serio si le das tu información.
Si necesitas AMS fuera de las horas normales de trabajo, por favor llame Municipal Radio al 215-686-4514/15.
Si vives cerca de un negocio o sitio de vertedero que inunda, obstruyendo tuberías de desagüe y dispersando sustancias tóxicas, por favor llame al Water Department (Departamento de Agua). El numero de la línea general de agua es (215)-685-6300. También se puede reportar desagües rotos.
Se puede llamar al 311 para cualquier peligro reporte en (215) 686-8686.
Se puede llamar al Streets Deparment (Departamento de las Calles) al 215-686-5560 para reportar el vertido en una calle o la acera.
Por favor, llame a Russell Zerbo en 215.567.4004 x130 o mande un email a si tu tienes preguntas sobre el proceso de reportar incidentes o quieres describir una interacción con la ciudad.
Visita en la red para ver tus oficiales electos. Simplemente escriba su dirección en el recuadro en la cima.
Use this tool to view any property in the city, including its owner and square footage.
Use this map to overlay Philadelphia’s zoning districts with a variety of other local lenses.
Use this search engine to find emission sources in your neighborhood.
Use this directory of past maps of Philadelphia to find out about the history of a neighborhood.
Use this map to check out prospective sea level rise in your neighborhood.
This is a comprehensive tool from EPA!
Look up the real estate tax on an property in Philadelphia.
Check out your neighborhood’s litter index!
View your block’s heat vulnerability.
Report unsafe traffic situations here.
Click here to find your elected officials!
311 cannot issue open burning violations, but can refer illegal dumping to the Streets Department to be picked up. Often using the 311 Smartphone App can be more effective than calling. You can upload photos and “vote-up” other reports on the App. Visit
Visit to report other streets related problems.
Call 215-685-7576 to report asbestos.
To report radon call 1-800-SOS-RADON (1-800-767-7236) to purchase radon test kits by phone.
Please call Russell Zerbo at 215.567.4004 x130 or e-mail if you have any questions about reporting incidents or want to describe an interaction with a city agency. Russell can help you request files from the City of Philadelphia to learn more about local nuisances. Like this:
Click here for a PDF of this information and a graphic of city services.