Clean Air Council

Cobbs Creek Watershed Community Mini-grant Request for Proposals

Clean Air Council is pleased to announce the Cobbs Creek Watershed Community Mini-grant Program focused on connecting residents and neighbors to green and blue space within Cobbs Creek Watershed. Growing neighbors’ relationship with their surrounding natural environment can contribute to increased mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing while creating stronger bonds to their watershed. 

With generous funding support from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation the Council is offering $1,000 and $2,000 dollar grants for civic groups, educators, and organizations to grow or offer new programming and activities that increase community engagement in the watershed. Activities can include but are not limited to learning opportunities, events, stewardship, workshops and beautification.  

Clean Air Council is available to meet and discuss proposals before the July 24th, 2024 including questions about activities/programming, budget, and location of projects. Contact to schedule a date and time to meet. All applications are due by Wednesday, July 31st at midnight.

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