Legacy Program

Making a planned or deferred gift is a simple, yet impactful way to contribute significantly to the future health of our region. Your future gift will support the Council’s mission to protect everyone’s right to a healthy environment. Donors who make a planned or legacy gift are welcomed into the Council’s Clean Air Society.
For information about ways in which you can support the Council with a planned gift, please contact the Council’s Development Officer, Bobby Szafranski at (215) 567-4004 ext 112 or e-mail rs@cleanair.org.
A bequest is a very simple way to provide a planned gift to the Council. A bequest allows you to make a meaningful contribution through your will without reducing assets available to you during your lifetime.
To include the Council in your will or codicil, the following wording is suggested:
I hereby give, devise, and bequeath to the Clean Air Council, a nonprofit corporation organized and operating under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the sum of $_______ (or _____ percent of my estate) to be used for the general purposes of the Clean Air Council.
Please note that the Clean Air Council does not offer legal, tax, or financial planning advice. You are encouraged to consult your own legal counsel, tax advisor, and/or financial planner.
Retirement plans are among the highest taxed of assets. You can reduce your tax burden and accomplish a charitable goal by designating the Council as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k) or 403(b) plan. Simply request a change-of-beneficiary form from your plan administrator. When you have finished, please return the form to your plan administrator and notify Clean Air Council. By naming the Council as a beneficiary of a retirement plan, you maintain complete control over your assets while living and after your death, the plan passes to support the Council, free of estate and income taxes.

The Clean Air Society honors those individuals who have provided for the future of the Clean Air Council by including the Council in their estate plans. Members of the Society may be recognized from time to time in Council publications and will be invited to take part in special Society only events.
If you have included the Council in your estate plans, please fill out a Clean Air Society Intention Form online or print out the form and send it in by mail to 1617 JFK Blvd, Suite 1130, Philadelphia, PA, 19103.