Clean Air Council

Who Runs for Clean Air? Meet Lia

With over 2,500 racers, the Run for Clean Air brings together competitive runners, environmentalists, families, and more. Meet Lia Belardo, a veteran Run for Clean Air PHLY 10K racer and organizer of Team Humane League.

How many years have you been participating in the Run for Clean Air? Which distance?
My first time racing at the Run for Clean Air was in 2010. It was my first race ever, outside of being in school, and I did the 5k. The last two years I have run the PHLY 10k.

Why our race? What makes the Run for Clean Air stand out from other races?
The Run for Clean Air stands out from other races in a few ways; First off, the weather is always amazing. The last two years, specifically stand out to me, because there had been moderate temperatures, little to no wind, and tons of sunshine. The race is flat and it’s great for a season opener, I race it every year as a barometer as to how my training has gone over the winter. Finally, the run has so many additional features; Toyota Hybrids always has a really cool station to visit and there is a beer garden right at the steps of the Art Museum – doesn’t get any better!

What is your favorite part of the Run for Clean Air?
The best part of the run is going to be my PR. I’m calling it now, I am racing last year’s version of myself and I hope I succeed. This race gets me ready for the rest of my season. I know the course, I know the challenges, and I know this is the race to push myself. Alternatively, this is the perfect race for beginners. Like I said before, this was my first 5k ever, and I remember actually stopping at a water table and making small talk with the volunteer because I couldn’t finish the whole 3 miles without a breather. Everyone was so supportive and I was really proud to finish! Team Humane League, the running team I am the captain of, has registered a hand full of new runners for their first 5k this year, some walkers, and two people who are doing their first 10k ever. Reminder, if this is your first race you will automatically PR!

Why is supporting an environmental cause important to you?
A clean environment is essential for healthy living. Air pollution can cause respiratory diseases. Water pollution from fracking can expose humans (and animals) to toxic chemicals, and fracking could even create fracking-induced earthquakes! I’d say being as earthquake free as possible and having non-toxic drinking water and breathable air are all big enough reasons why I support environmental protections. We are fortunate to have the Clean Air Council on our side, through education, advocacy or legal tactics; the council is here to help safeguard our community.

What do you hope to see at the Run for Clean Air this year?
I heard Team Humane League is going to have Virtual Reality Goggles; I’m really excited for that. Team Humane League will also be bringing some infographics on the environmental impacts of factory farming, including water use and carbon emissions. Also, there will be cookies!

Favorite race swag item?
The best swag item is by far the T-Shirts; they are the softest shirts ever! Everyone who gets one is always commenting about how great they are. Also last year the race medal was this awesome multi-tool. I used it when I was camping in Lake Placid, NY this past summer.

Any race day tips for Run for Clean Air newbies?
This is a great race for people who are new to running, new to Philly, and new to learning about all the good work the Clean Air Council does. I would say the best thing to do, if this is your first race, would come early for the pre-race yoga and remember to enjoy the great day!

What advice do you have for vegan athletes?
Vegans have it easy. We recover so much faster, and vegans are typically getting more magnesium, fiber, potassium, and antioxidants – by default. All of this is great, but my advice to anyone (vegan or omnivore) ramping up their training would be take a B complex vitamin in the morning, A few drops of a lab-grown algae-based DHA/EPA during the day, and a Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin D combo at night – plus get enough sleep and remember to meditate once in a while.

What’s your favorite post-run snack?
I am a creature of habit – immediately following my run I am really into drinking a smoothie with Vega Recovery powder. About 90 minutes post workout I’ll eat something more substantial. Being from New York, I obviously love bagels. You might find me at Grindcore house in South Philly on the weekends for a post run for a bagel with vegan cream cheese, otherwise, if it’s during the work week I go to Hip City Veg on Broad Street for their bagel sandwich.

What’s your favorite celebratory meal?
Pizza. I spend a lot of time at Blackbird for their vegan Haymaker pizza; they recently introduced a cheesesteak pizza, which is unbelievably good.

Be honest, as a tri-athlete do you like running more than biking and swimming?
It’s a tossup between Running and Cycling as my favorite sport. Running is so freeing because you only need one pair of sneakers, and the desire to get out and run. Philly has amazing access to routes and trails, and there are so many great running teams (like Team Humane League) that can really foster a cool sense of community. With running, you don’t need to spend a lot of money, you don’t need any fancy gear, and everything can really be very simple and easy. With that said, cycling is still my favorite activity. It’s easier on your body in general. Last summer it seemed like every bike ride started out really run of the mill, but somehow it always turned into a fun adventure of some sort. From the rolling hills of the main line to the long flat rides in south jersey – riding around the Philly area has a lot of opportunities to push yourself while having a great time.

Run with Lia in the PHLY 10K on Sunday, April 9, 2017, at the Run for Clean Air. Sign Up

Clean Air Council is excited to welcome back its fastest growing feature at the Run for Clean Air. The PHLY 10K presented by Philadelphia Insurance Companies (PHLY) is a great training run for longer distance races like The Broad Street Run or to push yourself to add mileage to your running routine. The flat, fast course along the Schuylkill River is ideal for runners of all levels and the PHLY 10K at the Run for Clean Air is one of the few 10K races that happen in Philadelphia.


2 thoughts on “Who Runs for Clean Air? Meet Lia”

  1. Daniel Gallo says:

    I’ve created a team for the 10K. How do I check who has signed up for my team?

    1. Katie Edwards says:

      Hi Daniel,
      Email with your question and we will send you instructions.
      Thank you!

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